Over 31 days I will instill habits consistent with those of the Proverbs 31 Woman of Noble Character.

After several life changes (including becoming a mommy), my formerly organized days have
started happening to me instead of me happening to them. To calm the chaos in the wake of such big changes, I needed a game-changer. Aspiring to the verses of Proverbs 31 seemed like a great start!

Concentrating on 5 key areas - Spiritual, Family, Career, Homemaking, and Health - I will be instilling a new habit in one of these areas each day in March. I know the "Road to Proverbs 31" will continue many years after this project, but after 31 Days I hope to have created several long-lasting habits akin to those of a Biblical Woman of Noble Character.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Clean Home, Happy Mama

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Proverbs 31:27
Exhausted at the end of a busy day -- preparing to start another LSAT prep class, sending out resumes to rejoin the workforce, teaching an Employment Readiness Class to the ladies at Pathways (being sure to leave dinner for my equally busy husband) and "sigh" running after a crazy crawler who leaves disarrayed toys like the aftermath of a tornado in her wake -- I look around my house to an overwhelming amount of clutter and chores before me.  What happened to my clean and tidy home, my refreshing sanctuary of rest and peace?  Hmmmm ....
Tiny Tazmanian Devil - 1, Mama - 0.  Something's gotta give.  I cannot continue in this state of disorder!  My proposed solution ... CREATE A CLEANING SCHEDULE.  While cleaning used to happen naturally, as I saw need, now I must set aside time for it and have a plan of attack or I fear the clutter will overtake me.  There are several wonderful sites with free printable cleaning schedules, but I feel like daily and weekly cleaning tasks are somewhat personal.  Everyone (and every home) will have different daily and weekly needs.
But if you need a sample, here is the cleaning schedule I've created for myself. 

If you have the time (and the right computer program), you can get creative and make your cleaning schedule look like Subway Art.  You can even dress it in a picture frame and cross off the tasks with a dry erase marker.  I am happy with a simple list posted on my kitchen bulletin board.

Personally, I would much rather see this adorable (even if outdated) picture of my niece smiling back at me through my kitchen picture frame. 

I've been sticking with the Daily Schedule for a few days, and I only am upset that I didn't start this sooner.  My morning & evening tasks take about 20 - 30 minutes each, and make a world of difference in keeping things clean and tidy.  Plus, the weekly and monthly tasks have restored peace to my home.  If I see a fingerprinted window or a troubling toilet rim,  it no longer stresses me out.  I can clean it immediatley if I have the time.  Or, if I don't, since I have time set aside for those chores, I know it only will be a day or two before they get done.  I no longer worry about when I will have an entire day to set aside for cleaning.
Now, if I could just find a way to bottle the energy of a 7 month old! 

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